
Friday, September 28, 2007

Questions to Brian McLaren

I'm writting down the questions I intend to pose to Brian McLaren ( http://www.brianmclaren.net/ ) tomorrow.

1- Jesus prayed "your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". And Jesus said to Pilate "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36) Is it the message of the gospel delivered in its entirety if I go on doing "only" good social acts? If Christians are to include 'spiritual' good news when proclaiming the gospel, what are the 'spiritual good news'? Are these news relevant and do they speak to people now-a-days? Is the good news that when they die they will go to heaven?

2- This is a question related to "us versus them". In Matthew 25.33 Jesus says "He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left". Acts 5.13 says (commenting about Christians) "No one else dared join them, though they were highly regarded by the people". We have baptisms that are public statements of change in direction. And Paul speaks of "being a new creation". And so on. It seems that it is a division between believers and non-believers in many texts. What do you make of this distinction?

( In Mark 1.15 Jesus said "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" )

3- Is the great commission a mandate to proselytize? Should churches grow?
Is it a healthy objective for a small church in Canada to grow in numbers?

4- Jesus went every day to the temple courts (Matthew 26.55). I understand that today the world is very different from back then. Does it make sense to "go to church" today? In your experience, what is the importance for Christians (and others...) to have a place and time to worship together regularly now-a-days?

5- If I tell my pastor tomorrow that "Everything must change" he will be reluctant to agree and will begin to worry for his position. Suppose you were in a historical or evangelical church in Canada of 40 people, mostly seniors, without a pastor and searching for one. Suppose there is some willingness by some 'to change', even though they don't quite know what to change into. Where would you look for one pastor? In your experience and considering what you have seen, what are some of the practical options for leadership now-a-days?

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